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Nourished by Nava

Where sourdough meets body image and so much more.

Here is your practical tool box for how to start nourishing your body, and raising your kids to know how to do the same. 

Is This an Eating Disorder, or Just a Diet?

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

It’s hard to draw the line between a fad diet that comes and goes, and a real issue that needs serious attention.

Check out the eating spectrum below to better understand where you or your child is at and what services you need.

Whether you’re struggling from an eating disorder, or you're just curious about intuitive eating, I have a service that will meet you where you’re at.

Learn intuitive eating


I have a pretty good relationship with food, and would like to go deeper into understanding how to nourish my body without dieting.

The service:

In treatment, you will practice reconnecting to your hunger and fullness signals, so that you can feel confident in regulating your food intake.

We’ll work on mending your relationship with your body, so that you can accept, appreciate, and care for the body you're in.

Heal from disordered eating


I am struggling with one of the following eating behaviors: emotional eating, restricting, binging, late night eating, eating in secret, constant snacking, compulsive exercise, extreme picky eating.

The service: We’ll go deep into understanding the root of the disordered behavior, and how to prevent it.

I'll guide you towards reconnecting to your body, improving your eating habits, and regulating your hunger and fullness, so that you can feel confident around food.

Eating disorder treatment


My entire life has been taken over by food and body worries.

My obsession around food has taken a toll on my social life, my everyday functioning, and my physical and emotional health.

I get extremely anxious around meal time, and have been restricting, binging, or purging.

The service:

I will give you a detailed explanation of the disorder and treatment options.

I’ll connect you to all the professionals and health centers necessary for treatment.

You’ll get a step by step treatment plan that will focus on bringing you back to regular eating, and optimal physical and mental health.


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